Become an Alpha leader!

The Alpha Course has been a part of Grace for awhile now and hopefully you have taken part in one of the offerings. Alpha has been so meaningful to those who are new to the faith and those who have been clinging to the hope of Jesus their whole lives. But Alpha is not designed to simply enhance your life at Grace--it is designed to engage people who are NOT currently going to church or have no interest in going, and even those who may have little or no faith. If you have taken the course, you are already well on your way to be an equipped Alpha leader--join us as we grow as leaders in Alpha to share the Gospel where we live, work, and play! 

Take a look at this video to learn more, or contact Pastor Aaron directly (281-800-8555).

If there is someone in your life who could benefit from Alpha, ask them to give it a try. "Alpha is friends bringing friends." Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited, no matter your background or beliefs.