The Grace campus will be closed Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22 due to hazardous winter storm conditions.


Arranging a Baptism

If you would like to register for baptism, please complete the registration form. When we receive your registration, we will contact you to set up a meeting with a pastor.

If you would like more information on baptism, please contact Sharon High or 713-781-5060. 

What We Believe About Baptism

Baptism is the sign and seal of God’s covenant of grace (His promise to be our God and have us as His people), reminding us that His love claims us, in Jesus Christ, long before we ever come to know this love personally.

Unlike some denominations, Presbyterians do not require a person to be entirely immersed in water during baptism. Baptism is received only once. Its effect is not tied to the moment when it is administered, for it signifies the beginning of life in Christ, not its completion. We believe that persons of other denominations are part of one body of Christian believers; therefore, we recognize and accept baptisms by other Christian churches.

Who Is Eligible To Be Baptized

Baptism is almost always administered as part of a worship service. Baptism must be authorized by the Session and performed by a minister. At Grace Presbyterian, we baptize two groups of people:

The first group consists of men, women, and older children (confirmation students) who demonstrate both a genuine faith in Jesus Christ and a desire to join the church family.

The second group consists of the infants and children of Grace Presbyterian members.

If an infant is being baptized, the child's parents must be active members of Grace Presbyterian Church. If they are not members, the parents may be received into membership prior to the baptism. Additionally, if it is an adult baptism, the adult must be a member of the church prior to baptism.

If you need information on becoming a member of the church, click here

Why Do We Baptize Infants?

We believe children have a right to the covenant sign, which in the New Testament is baptism (in the Old Testament the sign was circumcision). The New Testament witness points to Baptism as the replacement for circumcision (Colossians 2:11-12), a promise that extends to children of believers (Acts 2:38-39). 

Grace Presbyterian is committed to partnering with parents in nurturing children that they might come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. In presenting your children for baptism, know that we are committed to walk alongside you and encourage you in the discipleship of your child.